

Please see bottom of page for breeding announcements.


CONTACT: Carol / Email:  / Phone: 1 (780) 237-6767 All our puppies are CKC registered, microchiped, vet examined & given first vaccinations, dewormed and sold with a health guarantee, a puppy package and 6 weeks of free pet health insurance. We require a non-refundable deposit of $500.00 to reserve a puppy.  All our bloodlines are from Europe.  We believe in bringing the best of what Europe has to Canada. After all only the best will do. All our puppies that go to pet homes are sold with a CKC non-breeding agreement and spay/neuter agreement. We do occasionally sell breeding rights to ethical breeders. All our breeding males and females are OFA health tested/ certified. We are also now testing for JLPP (Juvenile Laryngeal Paralysis & Polyneuropathy)  JLPP only exists in the Rottweiler & Russian Black Terrier

How is it inherited?
JLPP is recessive which means that both parents have to be carriers of the JLPP gene in order to produce an affected puppy. If at least one parent is clear then the breeding will not produce an affected puppy. If one parent is a carrier then the breeding will produce both carrier and clear puppies (but no affected). If both parents are clear then the breeding will produce only clear puppies. 

Why is it important to test breeding dogs?
It is important to test for this disease as it is always fatal to affected puppies. There is no cure. Symptoms can start to manifest at 12 weeks of age, but, may take longer. Most affected puppies die before 1 year of age. This means that the breeder cannot tell without a DNA test if a puppy is affected before it leaves for its new home at 8 weeks old.



It is so important when purchasing a purebred puppy to ask the breeder what health testing has been done on the sire and dam, and they should be able and willing to provide documentation as proof and or guide you to the OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) website with the dogs registered name. You will be able to look up the dog by its registered name and see what health testing has been done.  If they can’t provide you with any of this, run the other way!

All our puppies are CKC registered, we do not sell puppies without  registration papers. Under the Canadian Animal pedigree act it is illegal to sell purebred puppies without providing a registration certificate. There are a lot of back yard breeders and we are not one of those. We also follow the breed standard for the Rottweiler and we do not advertise Monster sized/over sized Rottweiler puppies. You can look up (Google), the CKC Rottweiler breed standard AKC breed standard and the European Rottweiler breed standard to see how the correct Rottweiler should be. We strive to breed healthy and genetically sound puppies.

What is a “Purebred” Dog?
Defined by the Canada Animal Pedigree Act, a purebred dog is a dog that has parents of the same breed that are registered with the Canadian Kennel Club.  One can NOT sell a dog as purebred without papers from the registry as well it is ILLEGAL in Canada to charge extra money for those papers!         

We are no longer docking tails, please read below.


So far in Canada 10 provinces have banned tail docking. These provinces are, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland & Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, British Columbia and most recently Alberta. It’s just a matter of time before the few provinces left, will follow.  I encourage everyone to educate themselves on this topic.  Here at Offenburgher Kennels, we have decided to not dock tails anymore.

Update…. The Alberta Veterinary Medical Association has voted against tail docking, this procedure will be banned in Alberta as of July 1st 2019.

Tail docking is the term given to the surgical removal of puppies’ tails for cosmetic purposes. The procedure was usually performed at 2-5 days of age; the tail is cut off using a pair of scissors, the reason some breeds and not others are docked is simply because of the fashion set for that particular breed. Europe and several other countries are opposed to the cosmetic tail docking of dogs because the procedure is unnecessary.
Tail docking is painful
Advocates of tail docking claim that it does not cause pain or discomfort, as the nervous system of puppies is not fully developed. This is not the case; the basic nervous system of a dog is fully developed at birth. Evidence indicates that puppies have similar sensitivity to pain as adult dogs. Docking a puppy’s tail involves cutting through muscles, tendons, up to seven pairs of highly sensitive nerves and severing bone and cartilage connections. Tail docking is usually carried out without any anesthesia or analgesia (pain relief). Puppies give repeated intense shrieking vocalisations the moment the tail is cut off and during stitching of the wound, indicating that they experience substantial pain. Inflammation and damage to the tissues also cause ongoing pain while the wound heals. There is also the risk of infection or other complications associated with this unnecessary surgery. ( I personally have lost half a litter because of infection setting in.)
Tail docking can also cause unnecessary and avoidable long term chronic pain and distress to the dog. For example, when a chronic neuroma forms at the amputation site. Neuromas are often very painful.
Tails are major communication tools
The dog’s tail serves a critically important role in canine social behavior. The tail is a major communication tool between dogs. The tail’s position and movement can indicate friendliness, a desire to play, submission or a warning signal, among many other messages. Thus the tail also serves as a protective mechanism for dogs, part of the various strategies employed by dogs to communicate with one another; establish boundaries and to avert aggressive encounters.
The tail also communicates important messages to humans during human-dog interactions. The action of the tail can help humans to interpret a dog’s body language and to determine what sort of interaction is appropriate for a particular dog. Thus the tail plays an important role in public health and safety.
Removing the tail impairs a dog’s ability to communicate properly, leaving them highly vulnerable to being misunderstood by other dogs and humans and placing them at a distinct social disadvantage. Therefore tails must not be removed for any reason other than for therapeutic purposes.

( You may need to copy and past links to your browser)

European Rottweiler breed standard:

  (Video on Rottweiler tail docking )


Breeding Announcements

Posh’s pups are due to be born March 9th 2025

Ready for now homes early May 2025

We are taking reservations.

Elektra and Gunner have been bred

Pups will be due March 29th 2025

Ready for new homes the weekend of May 23rd 2025

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